Vojin Sulovic
Academician Professor Doctor of Medical Sciences

Academician Vojin Sulovic, PhD (1923-2008) Doctor of Medical Sciences – full professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade and director of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of the University of Belgrade
Academician Dr. Vojin Sulovic was born on May 18, 1923 in Kuršumlija, where he finished elementary school. He studied high school in Prokuplje, where he graduated in 1941. He graduated from the Medical Faculty in Belgrade in 1951. As a medical student, he received three valuable awards at the competition of the University of Belgrade for the professional works of medical students. He specialized in gynecology and obstetrics, and soon received his doctorate in medical sciences on the topic “Biological and biochemical aspect of choriogo-nadotropic hormone of placental origin.” He was elected an assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1954, an assistant professor in 1961, an associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade in 1969, and a full professor in 1976. From 1973 to 1985, he was the director of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of the Medical Faculty in Belgrade.
From 1985 to 1987, he was the Vice-Rector of the University of Belgrade, in charge of scientific work and international relations. School 1958/59. In 1965/66 he was on professional training at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of the Medical Faculty in Strasbourg (France) at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of the Institute for Humanitarian Reproduction at HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL in Boston (USA) and participated in all prestigious congresses of gynecologists in the world.
Professor Dr. Vojin Sulovic became a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1978. He was a member of the Medical Academy of the Serbian Medical Association, the Association of French Gynecologists, the Association of Perinatal Medicine of France, the World Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, an honorary member of gynecologists and obstetricians of Russia, France, Poland, Poznan, Medical Academy of Romania, Society of Surgeons of Japan…
He is an honorary member of almost all gynecological and obstetric sections of medical societies of the former SFRY, the Society of Physicians of Montenegro and the Association for the Application of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. He was President of the Fellows of the Yugoslav-American Science Commission (Fulbright Program) and the first Honorary President of Fulbright Scholars for the Former Yugoslavia.
He was the organizer of the Third Congress of the Serbian Medical Association and participated in the organization of the celebration of the First Hospital in Serbia, opened eight centuries ago in the Studenica Monastery and a scientific meeting in Pristina (1989) on medieval medicine in Serbia.
He participated in many Yugoslav and foreign congresses of gynecologists with professional and scientific announcements. Let us mention the Congress of Gynecologists of Yugoslavia in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Skopje, Portorož, Sarajevo, Zagreb, Ljubljana, as well as world congresses in Tokyo, New York, Moscow, City, Amsterdam, Paris, Prague, Vienna, London, Chicago, Rome, Washington, Barcelona, Venice, Singapore, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Berlin and many others.
Academician Sulovic taught medical sciences at postgraduate studies in Indonesia at the Universities of Indonesia, medical faculties in Jakarta (Java) and Medan (Sumatra) in the field of perinatal medicine. He taught in Athens (Greece), at the International Postgraduate School of Traditional Medicine on the topic: “Traditional Medicine in Human Reproduction”.
He is the author or collaborator of 705 published works and 17 books and monographs published in the country and in the world. He was a mentor in more than a hundred master’s and doctoral theses at universities in the former Yugoslavia.
Professor Dr. Vojin Sulovic is the holder of several domestic and foreign decorations. He is the winner of the Seventh of July Award, the October Award of the City of Belgrade, the Order of Merit for the People with Silver Rays, the Order of Labor with a Golden Wreath, the Order of Labor with a Red Flag, the Serbian Warrior Medal, the Saint Sava Charter, the highest recognition of the Toplica District…
The Bibliographic Institute in the United States has chosen Academician Vojin Sulovic as Person of the Year for his contribution to the profession and science in the field of gynecology and obstetrics and is included in the thousand most deserving personalities in the world in the book “GREAT MINDS OF THE 21st CENTURY”.

He is an honorary citizen of his native Kursumlija and the city of Smederevo
The International Bibliographic Center in Cambridge (England) has chosen Academician Sulovic as one of the personalities who marked the 20th century in the field of medicine, in which, among others, Einstein, Gandhi, Churchill, Twain, Kennedy are represented.
In addition to scientific research projects funded by the Ministry of Science, through the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Academician Vojin Sulovic was a principal investigator in three important scientific research projects funded by scientific institutions in the United States:
– Fetal brain development (in collaboration with the Harvard Medical School Institute of Neurophysiology in Boston, USA),
– Frequency of Rh isoimmunization after intentional abortions (with Columbia University in New York) and
– Biological effect of ultrasound on the fetus (in cooperation with the United States Department of Health).
Academician Professor Dr. Vojin Sulovic, who left a great work in the field of science, health and education during eight decades of his life, was appointed director of medical and biomedical science of the European Center for Peace and Development at the United Nations University.

The President of France awarded him the Order of the Knight of National Merit (Le shevalier dans l’ordrenacional de merite) for his contribution to the cooperation between French and Yugoslav medicine.
In April 2007, as part of the 80th anniversary of the birth and fruitful work of our academician, the legacy of academician Sulovic was opened in the National Library in Kuršumlija.
Academician Professor Dr. Vojin Sulovic tragically lost his life in 2008 in a car accident in Belgrade, on the way to Lipovačka Forest, where he lived in recent years.
He was buried in Belgrade, in the Alley of the Greats.